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Locklift Environment setup


To improve the development experience, you will need tools and utilities to compile, deploy and test your Everscale contracts.

Let's consider Locklift as an example tool. It is a development environment like Hardhat or Truffle and it uses the specified TON Solidity Compiler to build all project contracts.

With Locklift, you get:

  • Network management for working with any networks (main, test, local, ...)
  • Automated contract testing
  • Handy wrappers around Everscale smart contracts
  • Custom givers support
  • Keys management
  • External script runner that executes scripts within a specified environment

To install Locklift, run the following command line:

npm install -g locklift

Local node


You need to have a docker runtime to continue with this.

If Locklift is like a Hardhat development environment tool, then local-node is Ganache- like a local blockchain that is designed for dApp debugging and testing. To run local- node you need to follow this command:

docker run -d --name local-node -e USER_AGREEMENT=yes -p80:80 tonlabs/local-node

The container exposes the specified 80 port with Nginx which proxies requests to /graphql to GraphQL API. Check out the local explorer at http://localhost/ and GraphQL playground at http://localhost/graphql

Once we are all set, the next thing to do is to initialize your first project.

Initialize new project

Run the following command line:

locklift init --path sample-project

This command initializes a new Locklift project, filled with samples:

├── locklift.config.ts
├── tsconfig.json
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json

├── contracts
│ └── Sample.tsol
├── scripts
│ └── 1-deploy-sample.ts
├── test
│ └── sample-test.ts

You can see that your smart contract Sample.tsol appeared in the sample-project/contracts directory.


The configuration file is called locklift.config.ts. Here's how the basic layout for local node looks like (note, that your config may contain more networks, but the way they are configured is the same):

Default locklift.config.ts layout
import { LockliftConfig } from "locklift";
import { FactorySource } from "./build/factorySource";
declare global {
const locklift: import("locklift").Locklift<FactorySource>;

const LOCAL_NETWORK_ENDPOINT = process.env.NETWORK_ENDPOINT || "http://localhost/graphql";
// Create your own link on
const config: LockliftConfig = {
compiler: {
// Specify path to your TON-Solidity-Compiler
// path: "/mnt/o/projects/broxus/TON-Solidity-Compiler/build/solc/solc",
// Or specify version of compiler
version: "0.62.0",
// Specify config for extarnal contracts as in exapmple
// externalContracts: {
// "node_modules/broxus-ton-tokens-contracts/build": ['TokenRoot', 'TokenWallet']
// }
linker: {
// Specify path to your stdlib
// lib: "/mnt/o/projects/broxus/TON-Solidity-Compiler/lib/stdlib_sol.tvm",
// // Specify path to your Linker
// path: "/mnt/o/projects/broxus/TVM-linker/target/release/tvm_linker",
// Or specify version of linker
version: "0.15.48",
networks: {
local: {
// Specify connection settings for
connection: {
id: 1,
group: "localnet",
type: "graphql",
data: {
latencyDetectionInterval: 1000,
local: true,
// This giver is default local-node giverV2
giver: {
// Check if you need provide custom giver
address: "0:ece57bcc6c530283becbbd8a3b24d3c5987cdddc3c8b7b33be6e4a6312490415",
key: "172af540e43a524763dd53b26a066d472a97c4de37d5498170564510608250c3",
tracing: {
keys: {
// Use everdev to generate your phrase
// !!! Never commit it in your repos !!!
// phrase: "action inject penalty envelope rabbit element slim tornado dinner pizza off blood",
amount: 20,

// ... (configs for other networks go here)

For the avoidance of doubt, it’s important that we go through each of the parameters:

compiler.version - the version of the solidity compiler binary

linker.version - the version of the TVM-linker binary

networks - specify which networks are available for deployment and testing.

networks.[NETWORK_NAME].keys.phrase - if you leave this field value empty - a new random seed will be generated each time you're running locklift.

Or specify it explicitly - fill the phrase field with a mnemonic phrase.


You can run tests and start to develop your amazing projects. To do this, you need to run the following command. The command uses the specified TON Solidity compiler and TVM linker to build all project contracts:

npx locklift build

Now, let’s proceed with testing the sample contract.

Run Tests

This command runs the project Mocha tests, test folder by default. The locklift object will be set up and included automatically, you don't need to import it manually.

npx locklift test -n local

Invoke Scripts

There is a common practice to keep various scripts within the same environment where the samrt contracts and tests live. Such scripts may perform deployment, configuration, data collection or and smart-contract upgrade routines.

Let's run the sample deployment script within locklift environment (make sure your local node container is up and running)

npx locklift run -s scripts/1-deploy-sample.ts -n local

If you succeeded with all steps above, you should see the address, where the Sample.tsol is deployed.